By Neil Jefferies
Tamara Lindeman explores the complex interplay of personal trust, climate activism, and finding connection in a world rife with misinformation.
It’s always a momentous occasion when Godspeed You! Black Emperor returns with a new album, but nothing could have prepared us for the emotional impact of their latest.
From the title alone, it’s unthinkable to separate the band’s message with NO TITLE … It’s a statement of ongoing bloodshed and war, and while the world is looking more and more grim, especially with a grunt now running half the world for the next four years, it’s music like this that offers reprieve and hope, but also a call for revolution. This is protest music that ages like a fine wine.
By Neil Jefferies
Tamara Lindeman explores the complex interplay of personal trust, climate activism, and finding connection in a world rife with misinformation.
By Alexia Bréard-Anderson
Look to the stars for thoughtful insight into your month ahead.
By Yasmine Shemesh
An unforgettable night complete with mosh pits, pyro, and endless singalongs.