With illustrations of psychic transmissions, bright orbs, and geometric shapes, a brief glance at the cover of Moonlight Years’ self-titled debut hints at a psychedelic treasure trove. As elucidated on“Forest Thumping,” one of the album’s stand-out tracks, “the doors in your mind keep opening and closing at different times, just to keep your heart in sync with the rest of your life.”
The Moonlight Years’ sound has an ethereal ambiance and deep groove to stretch your brain, alongside contemplation of the uncertainty and curiosities of the everyday. Its rhythmic vibrancy inspires slow sways and, while this is not an aggressively acid-washed journey, there’s a feeling of amniotic suspension. Lightly coated vocals dance over gritty 60s-inspired psych riffs, the palpable tremolo and reverb, like space debris, drift off each other with complementary resonance, while inflections of Americana create new sound portals.
Like sitting opposite a medium with a crystal ball, unsure what they see, this self-titled offering is an unpredictable listen. On “You Got Us In Trouble” the chords make a tonally dark kaleidoscopic descent, yet safely emerge on the other side of “Forever Under.” The Moonlight Years draw you in and give you space to get lost in their sonic terrain. A satisfying listen, credited to expert production and solid song craftsmanship.